Jane Mahony

Trinity College Dublin

Dr Jane Mahony is Researcher attached to the National Open Research Forum of Ireland (NORF) PublishOA.ie project (2022-24) which is conducting a feasibility study for a national Diamond Open Access publishing programme for Ireland. The project is co-led by the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity Long Room Hub, TCD. She is Adjunct Teaching Fellow in the School of English, TCD. Her PhD thesis, ‘Irish Writers and their London Publishers, c. 1884-1922’ was completed in 2016. She is co-editor of the Irish University Review special issue “Institutions and Ireland” (Summer, 2022). She is co-author with Professor Eve Patten of ‘“Breaking Away”: Beatrice Grimshaw and the Commercial Woman Writer’ in Anna Pilz and Whitney Standlee (eds.) Irish Women’s Writing 1880-1922: Advancing the Cause of Liberty (Manchester University Press, 2016). She was co-convenor of “Creative Networks and Cultural Output: Economic Contexts for Literary and Artistic Production” [TCD 2015]. She has prior publishing experience at Cambridge University Press and as Managing Director of Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd (London).