Yannick Legré
Yannick Legré is the Secretary General of OPERAS and is based in Brussels. In the role of Secretary General, he is responsible for the daily management of OPERAS AISBL, supporting OPERAS’ members in developing the OPERAS National Nodes and liaising with the ministries, to propel OPERAS forward on its path to becoming an even more well-established and influential Research Infrastructure in Europe and eventually an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium). Yannick was the Director of EGI.eu until December 2019 and was a senior consultant for various European SMEs since then. Formerly he was a senior research engineer at the French National Scientific Research Centre – Grid and Cloud Institute (CNRS-IdGC) and holds a Master of Science in Information Technology (MScIT) and a degree in Law (LL.L). Over the last 20+ years, Yannick has been involved in more than 60 projects in the areas of e-Infrastructures, healthcare and biomedical research, as well as biodiversity and environmental research.