Olga Orlić
Olga Orlić, Ph.D, is an anthropologist (University of Zagreb). In the period 2001-2006 she worked as a curator at Ethnographic Museum of Istria, and since 2006 she has been employed at the Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb. She has collaborated on several national and international scientific and professional projects, was involved in the COST action and led national programs of popularization of anthropology and cultural anthropology. Since 2020 she is leading the research project “Solidarity Economy in Croatia: An Anthropological Perspective” (SOLIDARan), funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. From 2023 she is co-leading, together with dr. Peter Simonič a Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project ““Impact of global insecurities on strengthening of movements for food sovereignty in Croatia and Slovenia“(SLOHRanA). Olga is the author of several scientific and professional papers and a book about the solidarity on the case of community-supported agriculture in Croatia. She is a member of the editorial bord of Ethnological Researches journals, and a president of Croatian Ethnological Society (2023-2025). She received the annual award of the Croatian Ethnological Society for the best ethnographic exhibition in 2004. (“Weavers in Istria”).