Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar
Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar acquired her M.A. degree in history, ethnology and museology and subsequently Ph.D. in ethnology and cultural anthropology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Since 2001, she has been employed at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb and, as head of the Department of Documentation, has been working on the planning and management of different digitization projects and the creation and development of a digital repository of intangible cultural heritage. She has been involved in the projects of publishing archival material, making ethnographic documentary films and creation of virtual and museum exhibitions. Simultaneously, she has been working on scientific projects in the fields of digital humanities and cultural anthropology, she participates in national and international conferences and is the author of numerous scientific and professional papers.
Currently the focus of her interest is the development of the e-infrastructure for the arts and humanities, work on the development of the functionality of digital platform and repository and linking with similar institutions at national and international level in order to create a virtual scientific-research network. She is the representative for Croatia in the DARIAH-EU consortium, the national coordinator for DARIAH-HR and the founder and co-chair of the DARIAH-EU working group ELDAH (for ethics and legality in digital arts and humanities). She is a member of different national and pan-European working groups and several committees.