Diamond Open Access - a Robust, Accessible and Federated Network for Journals
Drahomira Cupar, Sona Lisa Arasteh-Roodsary
14 September 2023
Session 3 ‣ Poster session
14:30 – 15:30
Though Diamond Open Access is widely considered the most progressive publishing form for Open Access journals, Diamond Open Access journals face various challenges including (technological) standardisation, securing sustainability for journals, and juggling a broad set of workflows while depending largely on voluntary work.
The project CRAFT-OA (Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access) aims to help standardize Diamond Open Access journals by offering technological innovations available to all Diamond Open Access journals alike. In cooperation with the DIAMAS project, CRAFT-OA will foster a community of practice, further enhancing Diamond Open Access publishing by uniting the scholarly community behind common goals.
The proposed poster will include an overview of the key objectives and phases of the project as well as a section dedicated to explaining in which ways the project’s results will support diamond OA publishing and how they are going to be made available via the capacity centre prepared jointly with the DIAMAS project. Specifically, it will be explained how the results of DIAMAS and CRAFT-OA complement each other in that regard by providing all information, best practice guidelines, workflows and training materials relating to Diamond Open Access in one place.